Monday, March 21, 2011

CCM 2011

The Cebu City Marathon marks our 1st runniversary and will be our longest run to date.  Over the past few weeks, facebook status messages were all about marathons.  I posted my favorite quote:

"Trying to explain the marathon is like trying to explain color to a man born blind"

I am so excited to see that color at the finish line.

My longest run was 33K 3 weeks ago (my birthday run) and since then, I tapered to around 20K a week.  I did not do any speed drills as our goal was just "trying to finish".

The day (or dawn) has come.  We woke up and got ready at 2 o'clock in the morning.  Gun start was at 4 AM.  We arrived at the starting line more than an hour earlier and met some members of our running group.
I felt amazed that exactly a year ago, we joined the 5K category in this very event and we only got to see the 21K runners who were assembling at that time.  I never understood then why they would want to do that distance.  Yet, here we are today, preparing on what will be the longest time we will be traveling by foot: 42.195 kilometers!

5-4-3-2-1 fireworks! CCM 2011 has been dubbed one of the best (if not the best) organized marathon in the country.  Words cannot describe how well this event is organized.  Closed roads, lots of marshalls, abundant hydration, massage station, food, entertainment, you name it!  There was a showband at the SRP area and listening to them made me wanna dance while running.  :-)

Anyway, we ran the first half as expected.  The plan was to run easy and always hydrate at every water station.  I love calculations, even to the point of measuring the number of swallows required to induce 8oz to my body.  I still follow my rule: 8oz. fluid every 10-15 minutes + 40-60 grams of carbohydrates + electrolytes (potassium + sodium).

KM 21-30 was still okey as we knew already how it feels, nothing new.  After KM 35, the time now travels faster (or maybe we were just traveling slower).  We decided to just run/walk up to KM 40.  After which, the excitement and adrenalin rush started filling our veins. 

The finish chute appeared!  What a beautiful sight!  Finally, the "color" of the marathon unfolded in front of our very eyes.
And here's the medal.

  ...and the post-marathon nutrition (+ 2 lechons) as we celebrated with our running group

... and the group pic

..and the post-marathon party, with a dance instructor (good thing, there was no bending of knees :P )

We run, we eat, we partyyyyy!!! :-)

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